little heat with samira

listen to : room where you sleep - dead man's bones, and just a little heat - the black keys

i met samira years ago very briefly at a concert and i haven't seen her since. what a shame, because she is so much fun. we talked about how nice it is when you're paired with a photographer or a model that you can get along with and produce work that both parties are happy with because that's definitely not always the case, but it was here. i'm super stoked on these photos and i hope y'all enjoy looking at em. 

isn't she great? i've been trying to not use vsco film to edit my photos lately, so i've been playing around with different things in lightroom and i think i've found some things that i like. 

anyway, a little update for y'all:  i've been busy and i'm not going to apologize for that or anything because this is how i prefer things to be but the good thing about it is that i've got a lot of ideas and what-have-you. i think i'll make a quick little roundup post of the past little while sometime early next week so y'all can see it all in pictures.